Figures of Speech
This Is Appendix 6 From The Companion Bible.
It is most important to
notice these. It is absolutely necessary for true interpretation. God's
Word is made up of "words which the Holy Spirit teacheth" (1Corinthians
2:13. 1Thessalonians 2:13.
2Timothy 3:16. 2Peter
1:21, etc.).
A "Figure of speech"
relates to the form in which the words are used. It
consists in the fact that a word or words are used out of their ordinary
sense, or place, or manner, for the purpose of attracting our attention
to what is thus said. A Figure of speech is a designed and legitimate
departure from the laws of language, in order to emphasise what is said.
Hence in such Figures we have the Holy Spirit's own marking, so to
speak, of His own words.
This peculiar form or unusal manner may not
be true, or so true, to the literal meaning of the words;
but it is more true to their real sense, and truer to the
Figures are never used but for the sake of
emphasis. They can never, therefore, be ignored. Ingnorance of Figures
of speech has led to the grossest errors, which have been caused either
from taking literally what is figurative, or from taking figuratively
what is literal.
The Greeks and Romans named some hundreds of
such figures. The only work on Biblical Figures of speech
in the English language is by Dr. Bullinger1,
from which we have taken the whole of information given here as well as
in the marginal notes. He has classified some 217 seperate figures (some
of them with many varieties or subdivisions), and has given over 8,000
In Genesis 3:14,15. we
have some of the earlist examples. By interpreting these figures
literally as meaning "belly", "dust",
"heel", "head", we lose
the volumes of precious and mysterious truth which they convay and
intensify. It is the truth whish is literal, while the words
employed are figurative. (See under Appendix 19)
In the marginal notes will be found the names
of most of these figures; and we append a list with their pronunciation
and English definitions (giving one or more references as examples).
- Ac-cis'-mus ; or, Apparent
- (Matthew 15:22-26). So named because it is
an apparent or assumed refusal.
- Ac-ro'-stichion; or, Acrostic
- (Psalm 119). Repetition of the same or successive letters at the
beginnings of words or clauses.
- Æ-nig'-ma; or, Dark Saying
- (Genesis 49:
10. Judges 14:14).
A truth expressed in obscure language.
- Æ'-ti-o-log'-ia; or Cause
- (Romans 1:
16). Rendering a reason for what
is said or done.
- Affirmatio; or, Affirmation
- (Philppians 1:
18). Emphasising words to
affirm what no one has disputed.
- Ag'-an-ac-te'-sis; or Indignation
- (Genesis 3:
13. Acts 13:10).
An expression of feeling by way of indignation.
- Al'-le-go-ry; or, Continued
Comparison by Reprensentation (Metaphor)
- (Genesis 49:
9. Galatians 4:22,24),
- and Implication (Hypocatastasis) (Matthew 7:
Teaching a truth about one thing by substituting another for it which
is unlike it.
- Am-oe-bae'-on; or, Refrain
- (Psalm 136). The repetition of the same phrase at the end
successive paragraphs.
- Am'-phi-di-or-tho'-sis; or, Double
- (
1Corinthians 11:22).
A correction setting right both hearer and speaker.
- Am'-pli-a'-tio; or, Adjournment
- (Genesis 2:
23. 1Samuel
30:5). A retaining of an old name after the
reason for it has passed away.
- An-ab'-a-sis; or, Gradual Ascent
- (Psalm 18:
37,38). An increase of emphasis
or sense in successive sentences.
- An-acho'-re-sis; or, Regression
- (Ephesians 3:
14). A return to the original
subject after a digression.
- An'-a-coe-no-sis; or, Common
- (
1Corithians 4:21).
An appeal to others as having interests in common.
- An'-a-co-lu'-thon; or, Non-Sequence
- (Genesis 35:
3. Mark 11:32).
A breaking off the sequence of thought.
- An'-a-di-plo'-sis; or, Like
Sentence Endings and Beginnings
- (Genesis 1:
1,2. Psalm 121:1,2).
The word or words concluding one sentence are repeated at the
beginning of another.
- An'-a-mne'-sis; or, Recalling
- (Romans 9:
3). An expression of feeling by
way of recalling to mind.
- An-a'-pho-ra; or, Like Sentence
- (Deuteronomy 28:
3-6). The repetition of the
same word at the beginning of successive sentences.
- An-a'-stro-phe; or, Arraignment
- (Acts 7:
48). The position of one word
changed, so as to be out of its proper or usaul place in a sentence.
- An'-e-sis; or Abating
- (
2Kings 5:1). The
addition of a concluding sentence which diminishes the effect of what
has been said.
- Ant-eis'-a-go-ge; or, Counter
- (Matthew 21:
23-25). The answering of one
quetion by asking another.
- An-throp'-o-path-ei'-a; or, Condescension
- (Genesis 1:
2; 8:21.
Psalm 74:11. Jeremiah 2:13.
Hosea 11:10). Ascribing to God what belongs to
human and rational beings, irrational creatures, or inanimate things.
- Ant-i-cat'-e-gor'-ia; or, Tu
- (Ezekiel 18:
25). Retorting upon another the
very insinuation or accusation he has made against us.
- Ant'-i-me'-rei-a; or, Exchange
of Parts of Speech.
- Of the Verb. The Verb used istead of some other part of speech
(Genesis 32:
24. Luke 7:21).
- Of the Adverb. The Adverb used instead of some other part of
speech (Genesis 30:
33. Luke 10:29).
- Of the Adjective. The Adjective used instead of some other
part of speech (Genesis 1:
9. Hebrews 6:17).
- Of the Noun. The Noun used instead of some other part of
speech (Genesis 23:
6. James 1:25).
- Ant-i-me-tab'-o-le; or, Counterchange
- (Genesis 4:
4,5. Isaiah 5:20).
A word or words repeated in a revers order, with the object of
opposing them to one another.
- Ant-i-met-a-the'-sis; or, Dialogue
- (
1Corinthians 7:16).
A transference of speakers; as when the reader is addressed as if
actually present.
- Ant-i'-phras-is; or, Permutation
- (Genesis 3:
22). The use of a word or phrase
in a sense opposite to its original signification.
- Ant'-i-pros-o'-po-poe-i-a;
or Anti-Personification
- (
2Samuel 16:9).
Persons represented as inanimate things.
- Ant'-i-ptos'-is; or, Exchange of
- (Exodus 19:
6, compare to 1Peter
2:9). One Case is put for another Case, the
governing Noun being used as the Adjective instead of the Noun in
- Ant-i'-stro-phe; or, Retort
- (Matthew 15:
26,27). Turning the words of a
speaker against himself.
- Ant-i'-thes-is; or, Contrast
- (Proverbs 15:
17). A setting of one phrase
in contrast with another.
- Ant'-o-no-ma'-si-a or, Name
- (Genesis 31:
21). The putting of a proper
name for a Appellative or common Noun, or the reverse.
- Aph-aer'-e-sis; or, Front Cut
- (Jeremiah 22:
24). The cutting off of a
letter or syllable from the beginning of a word.
- Ap'-o-di-ox'-is; or, Detestation
- (Matthew 16:
23). An expression of feeling
by way of destestation.
- Ap-o'-phas-is; or, Insinuation
- (Philemon
19.). When, professing to
suppress certain matters, the writer adds the insinuation negatively.
- A-po'-ria; or, Doubt
- (Luke 16:
3). An expression of feeling by
way of doubt.
- Ap-o-si-opes'-is; or, Sudden
- It may be associated with:-
- Some great promise (Exodus 32:
- Anger and threatening (Genesis 3:
- Grief and complaint (Genesis 25:
Psalm 6:3).
- Inquiry and deprecation (John 6:
- Ap-o'-stro-phe; or, Apostrophe
- When the speaker turns away from the real auditory whom he is
addressing to speak to another, who may be-
- God (Nehemiah 6:
- Men (
2Samuel 1:24,25).
- Animals (Joel 2:
- Inanimate things (Jeremiah 47:
- Association; or, Inclusion
- (Acts 17:
27). When the speaker associates
himself with those whom he addresses, or of whom he speaks.
- As'-ter-is'-mos; or, Indicating
- (Psalm 133:
1). Employing some word which
directs special attention to some paticular point or subject.
- A-syn'-de-ton; or, No-Ands
- (Mark 7:
21-23. Luke 14:13).
The usual conjunction is omitted, so that the point to be emphasised
may be quickly reached and ended with an emphatic climax (compare to
Polysyndeton, and Luke 14:21).
- Bat-to-log'-i-a; or, Vain
- (
1Kings 18:26). Not
used by the Holy Spirit: only by man.
- Ben'-e-dic'-ti-o; or, Blessing
- (Genesis 1:
22,28. Matthew 5:3-11).
An expression of feeling by way of benediction or blessing.
- Bra-chy'-lo-gi-a; or, Brachyology
- A special form of Ellipsis (Genesis 25:
See Ellipsis I.3.
- Cat-a'-bas-is; or, Gradual
- (Philippians 2:
6-8). The opposite of
Anabasis. Used to emphasise humiliation, sorrow, etc.
- Cat'-a-chres-is; or, Incongruity
- One word used for another, contrary to the ordinary usage and
meaning of it.
- Of two words, where the meanings are remotely akin (Leviticus
- Of two words, where the meanings are different (Exodus 5:
- Of one word, where the Greek receives its real meaning by
permutation from another language (Genesis 1:
Matthew 8:6).
- Cat'-a-ploc'-e; or, Sudden
- (Ezekiel 16:
23). This name is given to a
parenthesis when it takes the form of a sudden exclamation.
- Chleu-as'-mos; or, Mocking
- (Psalm 2:
4). An expression of feeling by
mocking and jeering.
- Chron'-o-graph'-i-a; or, Description
of Time
- (John 10:
22). The teaching of something
important by mentioning the time of an occurrence.
- Climax; or, Gradation
- (
2Peter 1:5-7).
Anadiplosis repeated in successive sentences (see "Anadiplosis",
- Coe'-no-tes; or, Combined
- (Psalm 118:
8,9). The repetition of two
different phrases, one at the beginning, and the other at the end of
successive paragraphs.
- Correspondence.
- This term is applied to repetition of a subject or subjects, which
reappear in varying order, thus determing the "Structure"
of any portion of the Sacred Text. This Correspondence is found in
the folowing forms:-
- Alternate. Where the subjects of the alternate members
correspond with each other, either by way of similarity or
- Extended. Where there are two series, but each consisting
of several members (Psalm 72:
Psalm 132.).
- Repeated. Where there are more than two series of
subjects, either consisting of two members each (Psalm 26.
Psalm 145.), or consisting of more than two members each
(Psalm 24).
- Introverted. Where the first subject of the one series of
members corresponds with the last subject of the second (Genesis
3-5. Leviticus 14:51,52).
- Complex or Combined. Where both Alternation and Introversion
are combined together in various ways (Exodus 20:
Psalm 105).
- Cy-clo-id'-es; or, Circular
- (Psalm 80:
3,7,19). The repetition of the
same phrase at regular intervals.
- De'-i-sis; or, Adjuration
- (Deuteronomy 4:
26). An expression of
feeling by oath or asseveration.
- Dep-re-ca'-ti-o; or, Deprecation
- (Exodus 32:
32). An expression of feeling by
the way of deprecation.
- Di'-a-log-is-mos; or, Dialogue
- (Isaiah 63:
1-6). When one or more persons
are represented as speaking about a thing, instead of saying it
- Di'-a-syrm-os; or, Raillery
- (Matthew 26:
50). Tearing away disguise, and
showing up a matter as it really is.
- Di-ex'-od-os; or, Expansion
- (Jude
12,13). A lengthening out by copious
exposition of facts.
- Ec'-pho-ne'-sis; or, Exclamation
- (Romans 7:
24). An outburst of words,
prompted by emotion.
- Ei'-ron-ei-a; or, Irony.
- The expression of thought in a form that naturally conveys its
- Divine Irony. Where the speaker is Divine (Genesis 3:
Judges 10:14).
- Human Irony. Where the speaker is a human being ( Job 12:
- Peirastic Irony. By way of trying or testing (Genesis 22:
- Simulated Irony. Where the words are used by man in
dissimulation (Genesis 37:
19. Matthew 27:40).
- Deceptive Irony. Where words are clearly false as well as
hypocritical (Genesis 3:
4,5. Matthew 2:8).
- E-jac'-u-la'-ti-o; or, Ejaculation
- (Hosea 9:
14). A parenthesis which consists
of a short wish or prayer.
- El-eu'-ther-i'-a; or, Candour
- (Luke 13:
32). The speaker, without
intending offence, speaks with perfect freedom and boldness.
- El-lips'-is; or, Omission
- When a gap is purposely left in a sentence through the omissiion
of some word or words.
- Absolute Ellipsis. Where the omitted word or words are to be
supplied from the nature of the subject.
- Noun and Pronouns (Genesis 14:
Psalm 21:12).
- Verbs and participles (Genesis 26:
Psalm 4:2).
- Certain connected words in the same member of a passage
(Genesis 25:
32. Matthew 25:9).
Called Brachyology.
- A whole clause in a connected passage (Genesis 30:
1Timothy 1:3,4).
- Relative Ellipsis.
- Where the omitted word is to be supplied from a cognate
word in the context (Psalm 76:
- Where the omitted word is to be supplied from a related or
contrary word (Genesis 33:
10. Psalm
- Where the omitted word is to be supplied from analogous or
related words (Genesis 50:
23. Isaiah
- Where the omitted word is contained in another word, the
one word comprising the two significations (Genesis 43:
- Ellipsis of Repitition.
- Simple; where the Ellipsis is to be supplied from a
preceding or a succeding clause (Genesis 1:
2Corinthians 6:16).
- Complex; where the two clauses are mutually involed, and
the Ellipsis in the former clause is to be supplied from the
latter; and, at the same time, an Ellipsis in the latter
clause it be supplied from the former (Hebrews 12:
- E-nan-ti-o'-sis; or, Contraries
- (Luke 7:
44-46). Affirmatation or negation
by contraries.
- En'-thy-me-ma; or, Omission of
- (Matthew 27:
19). Where the conclusion is
stated, and one or both of the premisses are omitted.
- Ep-a-dip'-lo-sis; or, Double
- (Psalm 47:
6). Repeated Epanadiplosis (see
- Ep'-an-a-di-plo'-sis; or, Encircling
- (Genesis 9:
3. Psalm 27:14).
The repetition of the same word or words at the beginning and end of a
- Ep'-an-a-leps'is; or, Resumption
- (
1Corinthians 10:29.
Philippians 1:24). The repetition of the same
word after a break or parenthesis.
- Ep-an'-od-os; or, Inversion
- (Genesis 10:
1-31. Isaiah 6:10).
The repetition of the same word or words in an inverse order, the
sense being unchanged.
- Ep'-an-or-tho-sis; or, Correction
- (John 16:
32). A recalling of what has been
said in order to substitute something stronger in its place.
- Ep-i'-bo-le; or, Overlaid
- (Psalm 29:
3,4,5,7,8,9). The repetition of
the same phrase at irregular intervals.
- Ep'-i-cri'-sis; or, Judgement
- (John 12:
33). A short sentence added at the
end by way of an additional conclusion.
- Ep'-i-mo-ne; or, Lingering
- (John 21:
15-17). Repetition in order to
dwell upon, for the sake of impressing.
- Ep'-i-pho-ne'-ma; or, Exclamation
- (Psalm 135:
21). An exclamation at the
conclusion of a sentence.
- Ep-i'-pho-za; or, Epistrophe in
- (
2Corinthians 11:22).
The repetition of the same word or words at the end of successive
sentences used in argument.
- Ep-i-stro-phe; or, Like
- (Genesis 13:
6. Psalm 24:10).
The repetition of the same word or words at the end of successive
- Ep-i'-ta-sis; or, Amplification
- (Exodus 3:
19). Where a concluding sentence
is added by way of increasing the emphasis.
- Ep'-i-ther-a-pei'-a; or, Qualification
- (Philippians 4:
10). A sentence added at the
end to heal, soften, mitigate, or modify what has been before said.
- Ep-i'-the-ton; or, Epithet
- (Genesis 21:
16. Luke 22:41).
The naming of a thing by describing it.
- Ep'-i-ti-me'-sis; or, Reprimand
- (Luke 24:
25). An expression of feeling by
way of censure, reproof, or reproach.
- Ep'i-tre-chon; or, Running
- (Genesis 15:
13. John 2:9).
A sentence, not complete in itself, thrown in as an explanatory
remark. A form of Parenthesis (see below).
- Ep'-i-troch-as'-mos; or Summarising
- (Hebrews 11:
32). A running lightly over by
way of summary.
- Ep-i'-trop-e; or, Admission
- (Ecclesiastes 11:
9). Admission of wrong, in
order to gain what is right.
- Ep'-i-zeux'-is; or, Duplication
- (Genesis 22:
11. Psalm 77:16).
The repetition of the same word in the same sense.
- Er'-o-te-sis; or, Interrogating
- (Genesis 13:
9. Psalm 35:10).
The asking of questions, not for information, or for an answer. Such
questions may be asked (1) in positive affirmation, (2) in negative
affirmation, (3) in afffirmative negation, (4) in demonstration, (5)
in wonder and admiration, (6) in rapture, (7) in wishes, (8) in
refusals and denials, (9) in doubts, (10) in admonition, (11), in
expostulation, (12) in prohibition or dissuasion, (13) in pity and
commiseration, (14) in disparagement, (15) in reproaches, (16) in
lamentation, (17) in indignation, (18) in absurdities and
impossibilities, (19) double questions.
- Eth'-o-poe'-i-a; or, Description
of Manners
- (Isaiah 3:
16). A description of a person's
peculiarities as to manners, caprices, habits, etc..
- Eu'-che; or, Prayer
- (Isaih 64:
1,2). An expression of feeling by
way of prayer,curse, or imprecation.
- Eu'-phem-is'-mos; or, Euphemy
- (Genesis 15:
15). Where a pleasing
expression is used for one that is unpleasant.
- Exemplum ; or, Example
- (Luke 17:
32). Concluding a sentence by
employing an example.
- Ex-er-gas'-i-a; or Working Out
- (Zechariah 6:
12,13). A repetition so as to
work out or illustrate what has already been said.
- Ex'-ou-then-is'-mos; or, Contempt
- (
2Samuel 6:20). An
expression of feeling by way of contempt.
- Gno'-me; or, Quotation
- The citation of a well-known saying without quoting the author's
- Where the sense originally intended is preserved, though the
words may vary (Matthew 26:
- Where the original sense is modified in the quotation or
reference (Matthew 12:
- Where the sense is quite different from that which was first
intended (Matthew 2:
- Where the words are from the Hebrew or from the Septuagint
(Luke 4:
- Where the words are varied by omission, addition, or
transposition (
1Corinthians 2:9).
- Where the words are changed by a reading, or an inference, or
in number, person, mood, or tense. (Matthew 4:
- Where two or more citations are amalgamated (Matthew 21:
- Where Quotations are from books other than the Bible (Acts 17:
- Hen-di'-a-dys; or, Two for One
- (Genesis 2:
9. Ephesians 6:18).
Two words used, but one thing meant.
- Hen-di'-a-tris; or, Three for
- (Daniel 3:
7). Three words used, but one
thing meant.
- Her-men'-ei-a; or, Interpretation
- (John 7:
39). An explanation immediately
following a statement to make it more clear.
- Het'-er-o'-sis; or, Exchange of
- Exchange of one voice, mood, tense, person, number, degree, or
gender for another.
- Of forms and voices (
1Peter 2:6).
- Of moods (Genesis 20:
7. Exodus 20:8).
- Of tenses (Genesis 23:
11. Matthew 3:18).
- Of persons (Genesis 29:
27. Daniel 2:36).
- Of adjectives (degree) and adverbs (
- Of nouns (number), adjectives, and pronouns (Genesis 3:
Hebrews 7:7).
- Ho-moe-o'-pto-ton; or, Like
- (
2Timothy 3:2,3).
Similar endings arising from the same inflection of verbs, nouns, etc.
. This figure belongs peculiarly to the original languages.
- He-moe-o-pro'-pher-on; or, Alliteration
- (Judges 5). The repetiton of the same letter or syllable at
commencement of successive words.
- Heo'-moe-o-tel-eu'-ton; or, Like
- (Mark 12:
30). The repetition of the same
letters or syllables at the end of successive words. Used also of an
omision in the text caused by such-like endings: the scribe's eye
going back to the latter of such similar words, instead of the former.
See Joshua 2:1.
- Hyp-al'-la-ge; or, Interchange
- (Genesis 10:
9. 1Kings
17:4). A word logically belonging to one
connection is grammatically united with another.
- Hyp-er'bat-on; or, Transposition
- (Romans 5:
8). The placing of a word out of
its usual order in a sentence.
- Hy-per'-bo-le; or Exaggeration
- (Genesis 41:
47. Deuteronomy 1:28).
When more is said than is literally meant.
- Hy'-po-cat-as'-ta-sis; or, Implication
- (Matthew 15:
13; 16:6).
An implied resemblance or representation.
- Hy-po-ti-me'-sis; or, Under
- (Romans 3:
5). Parenthetic addition by way
of apology or excuse.
- Hy'-po-ty-po'-sis; or, Word
- (Isaiah 5:
Representation of objects or actions by words.
- Hys'-ter-e-sis; or, Subsequent
- (Genesis 31:
7, 8.
Psalm 105:8). When later record gives
supplemental or new particulars, not inserted in the historical
- Hys'-ter-o-log'-ia; or, The
First Last
- (Genesis 10 and 11.
2Samuel 24). A prior
mention of a subsequent event.
- Id-i-o'-ma; or, Idiom
- The peculiar usage of words and phrases, as illustrated in the
language peculiar to one nation or tribe, as opposed to other
languages or dialects.
- Idiomatic usage of verbs (Genesis 42:
1John 1:10).
- Special idiomatic usages of nouns and verbs (Genesis 33:
Jeremiah 15:16).
- Idiomatic degrees of comparison (Luke 22:
- Idiomatic use of prepositions (Luke 22:
- Idiomatic use of numerals (Psalm 103:
- Idsiomatic forms of quotations (Psalm 109:
- Idiomatic forms of question (Luke 22:
- Idiomatic phrases (Genesis 6:
2, 4.
Matthew 11:25).
- Idioms arising from other figures of speech (see notes in
- Chages of usage of words in the Greek language (Genesis 43:
Matthew 5:25).
- Changes of usage of words in the English language (Genesis 24:
2Kings 3:9).
- In'-ter-jec'-ti-o; or, Interjection
- (Psalm 42:
2). Parenthetic addition by way
of feeling.
- Mal'-e-dic'-ti-o; or, Imprecation
- (Isaiah 3:
11). Expression of feeling by way
of malediction and execration.
- Mei-o'-sis; or a Belittleing
- (Genesis 18:
27. Numbers 13:33).
A belittleing of one thing to magnify another.
- Me-ris'-mos; or, Distribution
- (Romans 2:
6-8). An
enumeration of the parts of a whole which has been just previously
- Mes-ar-chi'-a; or, Beginning and
Middle Repetition
- (Ecclesiastes 1:
2). The repetition of the
same word or words at the beginning and middle of successive
- Mes-o-di-plo'-sis; or, Middle
- (
2Corinthians 4:8,9).
The repetition of the same word or words in the middle of successive
- Mes-o-tel-eu'-ton; or, Middle
and End Repetition
- (
2Kings 19:7). The
repetition of the same word or words in the middle and at the end of
successive sentences.
- Met-a'-bas-is; or, Transition
- (
1Corinthians 12:31).
A passing from one subject to another.
- Met'-a-lep'-sis; or, Double
- (Genesis 19:
8. Ecclesiastes 12:6.
Hosea 14:2). Two metonymies, one contained in
the other, but only one expressed.
- Met-al'-la-ge; or, a Changing
- (Hosea 4:
18). A different subject of
thought substituted for the original subject.
- Met'-a-phor' or, Representation
- (Matthew 26:
26). A declaration that one
thing is (or represents) another: while Simile resembles
it, and Hypocatastasis implies it.
- Met-a-sta-sis; or, Counter-Blame
- (
1Kings 18:17,18).
A transferring of the blame from one's self to another.
- Met-o'-ny-my; or, Change of Noun
- When one name or noun is used instead of another, to which it
stands in a certain relation.
- Of the Cause. When the cause is put for the effect (Genesis
8. Luke 16:29).
- Of the Effect. When the effect is put for the cause producing
it (Genesis 25:
23. Acts 1:18).
- Of the Subject. When the subject is put for something
pertaining to it (Genesis 41:
Deutronomy 28:5).
- Of the Adjunct. When something pertaining to the subject is
put for the subject itself (Genesis 28:
Job 32:7).
- Mi-me-sis; or, Description of
- (Exodus 15:
9). Used when the sayings and
etc., of another are described or imitated by way of emphasis.
- Neg-a'-ti-o; or, Negattion
- (Galatians 2:
5). A denial of that which has
not been affirmed.
- Oe'-on-is'-mos; or, Wishing
- (Psalm 55:
6). An expression of feeling by
way of wishing or hoping for a thing.
- Ox'-y-mor-on; or Wise-Folly
- (
1Timothy 5:6). A
wise saying that seems foolish.
- Pae-sn'-si'-mos; or, Exultation
- (Zephaniah 3:
14). Calling on others to
rejioce over something.
- Pal'-in-od'-i-a; or, Retracting
- (Revelation 2:
6). Approval of one thing
after reproving for another thing.
- Par-a-bol-a; or, Parable
i.e., Continued Simile
- (Luke 14:
Comparison by continued resemblance.
- Par'-a-di-a'-stol-e; or, Neithers
and Nors
- (Exodus 20:
10. Romans 8:35,38,39).
The repetition of the disjunctives niether and nor, or, either and or.
- Par'-ae-net'-ic-on; or, Exhortation
- (
1Timothy 2). An expression of feeling by
way of exhortation.
- Par-a-leips-is; or, a Passing
- (Hebrews 11:
32). When a wish is expressed
to pass by a subject, which is, notwithstanding, briefly alluded by
- Parallelism; or Parallel Lines
- The repetition of similar, synonymous, or opposite thoughts or
words in parallel or successive lines. Compare to "Correspondence".
- Simple synonymous, or gradational.
When the lines are parallel in thought, and in the use of
synonymous words (Genesis 4:
Psalm 1:1).
- Simple antithetic, or opposite. When the words
are contrasted in the two or more lines, being opposed in sense
the one to the other (Proverbs 10:
- Simple synthetic, or constructive. When the
parallelism consists only in the similar form of construction
(Psalm 19:
- Complex alternate. When the lines are placed
alternately (Genesis 19:
25. Proverbs 24:19,20).
- Complex repeated alternation. The repetition of
two parallel subjects in several lines (Isaiah 65:
- Complex extended alternation. Alternation
extended so as to consist of three or more lines (Judges 10:
- Complex introversion. When the parallel lines
are so placed that the first corresponds with the last, the
second with the last but one, etc. (Genesis 3:
2Chronicles 32:7,8).
- Par-ec'-bas-is; or, Digression
- (Genesis 2:
8-15). A
temporary turning aside from one subject to another.
- Par-e-che'-sis; or, Foreign
- (Romans 15:
4). The repetition of words
similar in sound, but different in language.
- Par-eg'-men-on; or, Derivation
- (Matthew 16:
18). The repetition of words
derived from the same root.
- Par-em'-bol'-e; or, Insertion
- (Philippians 3:
Inseration of a sentence between others which is independent and
complete in itself.
- Par-en'-the-sis; or, Parenthesis
- (
2Peter 1:19).
Insertion of a word or sentence, parenthetically, which is necessary
to explain the context.
- Par-oe'-mi-a; or Proverb
- (Genesis 10:
9. 1Samuel
10:12). A wayside-saying in common use.
- Par'-o-moe-o'-sis; or, Like-Sounding
- (Matthew 11:
17). The repetition of
inflections similar in sound.
- Par-o-no-ma'-si-a: or, Rhyming
- (Genesis 18:
27). The repetition of words
similar in sound, but not necessarily in sense.
- Path'-o-poe'-i-a; or, Pathos
- (Luke 19:
41,42). The
expression of feeling or emotion.
- Per-i'-phras-is; or, Circumlocution
- (Genesis 20:
16. Judges 5:10).
When a description is used instead of the name.
- Per-i'-stas-is;or, Description
of Circumstances
- (John 4:
- Ple'-on-asm; or, Redundancy
- Where what is said is, immediately after, put in another or
opposite way to make it impossible for the sense to be missed.
The Figure may affect (1) words (Genesis 16: 8);
or (2) sentences (Genesis 1:20. Deuteronomy 32:6).
- Plok'-e; or, Word-Folding
- (Jeremiah 34:
17). The repetition of the
same word in a different sense, implying more than the first use of
- Po-ly-o-ny'-mi-a; or, Many
- (Genesis 26:
34,35. 2Kings
23:13). Persons or places mentioned under
different names.
- Po-ly-pto'-ton; or, Many
- The repetition of the same part of speech in different
- Verbs (Genesis 50:
24. 2Kings
- Nouns and pronouns (Genesis 9:
Romans 11:36).
- Adjectives (
2Corinthians 9:8).
- Po'ly-syn'de-ton; or, Many
- (Genesis 22:
Joshua 7:24. Luke 14:21).
The repetition of the word "and" at the beginning of
successive clauses, each independent, important, and emphatic, with no
climax at the end (Compare Aysndeton and Luke 14:13).
- Prag'-mato-graph-i-a; or Description
of Actions
- (Joel 2:
- Pro-ec'-the-sis; or Justification
- (Matthew 12:
12). A sentence added at the
end by way of justification.
- Pro-lep's-is, (Ampliatio);
or, Anticipation
- (Hebrews 2:
8). Anticipating what is going
to be, and speaking of future things as present.
- Pro-lep's-is, (Occupatio); or, Anticipation.
- Answering an argument by anticipating it before it is used.
- Open. When the anticipated objection is both answered and
stated (Matthew 3:
- Closed. When the anticipated objection is either not plainly
stated or not answered (Romans 10:
- Pros-a-po'-do-sis; or, Detailing
- (John 16:
8-11). A
return to previous words or subjects for purposes of definition or
- Pros'-o-po-graph'-i-a; or, Description
of Persons
- (Matthew 3:
4). A vivid description of a
person by detailed delineation.
- Pros'-o-po-poe'-i-a; or, Personification
- Things represented as persons.
- The members of the human body (Genesis 48:
Psalm 35:10).
- Animals (Genesis 9:
5. Job 12:7).
- The products of the earth (Nahum 1:
- Inanimate things (Genesis 4:
- Kingdoms, countries, and states (Psalm 45:
- Human actions, etc., attributed to things, etc. (Genesis 18:
Psalm 85:10).
- Pro'-ther-a-pei'-a; or, Conciliation
- (Matthew 19:
16). Conciliating others, by
way of precaution, because of something we are about to say.
- Pro'-ti-me-sis; or, Description
of Order
- (
1Corinthians 15:5-8).
The enumeration of things according to their places of honour or
- Repeated Negation; or Many
- (John 10:
28). The repetition of divers
- Repetitio; or, Repetition
- (
2Chronicles 20:35-37.
John 14:1-4). Repetition
of the same word or words irregularly in the same passage.
- Sim'-i-le; or, Resemblance
- (Genesis 25:
25. Matthew 7:24-27).
A declaration that one thing resembles another. (Compare Metaphor,
- Sim'-ul-ta'-ne-um; or Insertion
- (Revelation 16:
A kind of historical parenthesis, an event being put out of its
historical place between two others which are simultaneous.
- Syl-leps'-is; or, Combination
- (
2Chronicles 31:8).
The repetition of the sense without the repetition of the word.
- Syl-leps'-is; or, Change in
- (John 21:
12). A change in the grammatical
concord in favour of a logical concord.
- Syl'-lo-gis'-mus; or, Omission
of the Conclusion
- (
1Samuel 17:4-7).
The conclusion, though implied, is unexpressed, in order to add
emphasis to it.
- Symbol
- (Isaiah 22:
22). A material object
substituted for a moral, or spiritual truth.
- Sym'-per-as'-ma; or, Concluding
- (Matthew 1:
17). When what has been said is
briefly summed up.
- Sym'-plo-ke; or, Interwining
- (
1Corinthians 15:42-44).
The repetition of different words in successive sentences in the same
order and the same sense.
- Syn'-ath-roes'-mos; or, Enumeration
- (
1Timothy 4:1-3).
The enumeration of the parts of a whole which has not been mentioned.
- Syn'-cho-re'-sis; or, Concession
- (Habakkuk 1:
13). Making a concession of one
point in order to gain another.
- Syn'-cri-sis; or, Repeated
- (Isaiah 32:
2). Repetition of a number of
- Syn-ec'-do-che; or, Transfer
- The exchange of one idea for another associated idea.
- Of the Genus. When the genus is put for the species, or
universals for particulars (Genesis 6:
Matthew 3:5).
- Of the Species. When the species is put for the genus, or
particulars for universals (Genesis 3:
Matthew 6:11).
- Of the Whole. When the whole is put for a part (Genesis 6:
- Of the Part. When a part is put for the whole (Genesis 3:
Matthew 27:4).
- Syn'-oe-cei-o'-sis; or, Cohabitation
- (Matthew 19:
The repetition of the same word in the same sentence with an extended
- Syn-o-ny-mi-a; or, Synonymous
- (Proverbs 4:
The repetition of words similar in sense, but different in sound and
- Syn'-the-ton; or, Combination
- (Genesis 18:
27). A placing together of two
words by usage.
- Ta-pei-no'-sis; or, Demeaning
- (Genesis 27:
44. Romans 4:19).
The lessoning of a thing in order to increase and intensify that same
thing. (Compare Meiosis.)
- Thau-mas'-mos; or, Wondering
- (Romans 11:
33). An expression of feeling by
way of wonder.
- Tme'-sis; or, Mid-Cut
- (Ephesians 6:
8). A change by which one word
is cut in two, and another word put in between.
- Top'-o-graph'-i-a; or, Description
of Place
- (Isaiah 10:
28-32). Throwing light on the
subject dealt with by alluding to locality.
- Type
- (Romans 5:
14). A figure or ensample of
something future, and more or less prophetic, called the Anti-type.
- Zeug'-ma; or, Unequal Yoke
- When one verb is yoked on to two subjects, while grammatically a
second verb is required.
- Proto-zeugma, or, Ante-yoke or Fore-yoke (Genesis 4:
1Timothy 4:3).
- Meso-zeugma, or, Middle yoke (Luke 1:
- Hypo-zeugma, or End yoke (Acts 4:
- Syne-zeugmenon, or, Joint yoke (Exodus 20:
Figures of Speech Used in the Bible:
- Baker Book House; Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- ISBN:0-8010-0559-0