Hebrew words are retained in the body of the text of the Psalms,
being transliterated instead of translated. Not forming any part of the title,
super-scription or sub-scription, they are considered here in a separate
They are two in number, that is to say, H
word is found in three Psalms : videlicet 9:16;
and 92:3.
word occurs also in Lamentations 3:62,
where it is rendered in the Authorized Version "device",
and in the Revised Version "imagination".
It is derived from hagah, and means to soliloquize,
to speak to one's self; hence, to meditate (Joshua 1: As a noun, it would mean a meditation, or a
speaking in premeditated words; and therefore worthy of memory or repetition.
If the three Psalms be read in the light of this word, we
shall note the subjects which are so worthy of our meditation, and not think
about music.
In Psalm 9: In Psalm 19: In Psalm 92:
word may be from one of two roots; from salah = to pause; or from salal
= to lift up.
There is no need to descend to the guesses as to musical
terms. A reference to Appendix 65 (Int. Col. 1)
will lead us to connect it with subject-matter, not with music;
and with truth, not with tunes.
Some say it occurs always at the beginning of a strophe;
others, always at the end. But this is a question of fact, and not of argument.
The outstanding fact is that in four cases it comes in
the middle of a verse, that is to say, Psalm 55: This is fatal to both theories, but yet it helps us to, and
agrees with, the right conclusion, that both are the two halves of one truth. Selah
does connect the end of one strophe with the beginning of the next; and, indeed,
in four cases it connects the end of one Psalm with the beginning of the next,
thus uniting the two Psalms (see Psalms 3 with 4; 9 with 10; 24 with 25, and 46
with 47).
Selah, therefore, neither ends nor begins a
passage, but it An examination of each occurrence will show what this
connection is. It is neither the pausing on one subject; nor the passing on from
one subject to another : but it is the connecting of the two subjects together.
Sometimes it is the Structures which are connected.
Sometimes it is synthetic, and adds a development of
thought by connecting a prayer with that which forms the basis of it.
Sometimes it is antithetic, and adds a contrast.
Or it connects a cause with an effect, or an effect with a
It is a thought-link, which bids us look back
at what has been said, and mark its connection with what is to follow;
or to some additional consequent teaching.
Thus, if it be derived from salah, to pause,
it is not the instruments of music which are to pause while the voices continue
to sing; but it is our hearts which are to pause and to note the connection of
precious truths.
If it be derived from salal, to lift up,
then, it is not the instruments which are to lift up their sound in a louder
degree, but our hearts which are to be lifted up to consider more solemnly the
two truths which are about to be connected.
These connections, showing the importance and object of
each "Selah", are given in the notes on each occurrence
of the word.
The phenomena connected with "Selah"
may be thus stated :
The word occurs seventy-four times in the Bible, and all
are in the Old Testament.
Of these, seventy-one are in the Book of Psalms, and three
are in the model Psalm, "the prayer of Habakkuk",
chapter 3.
The use of the word is confined to thirty-nine Psalms out
of the 150. In sixteen of these thirty-nine it occurs once (7, 20, 21, 44, 47,
48, 50, 54, 60, 61, 75, 81, 82, 83, 85, and 143) : of these thirty-nine Psalms,
thirty-one are in Psalms handed over to "the chief Musician".
(See Appendix 64.)
In fifteen Psalms it occurs twice (4, 9, 24,
39, 49, 52, 55, 57, 59, 62, 67, 76, 84, 87, and 88).
In seven Psalms it occurs thrice (3, 32, 46,
66, 68, 77, and 140).
In one Psalm it occurs four times, videlicet,
Psalm 89.
It is distributed over the five Books of the Psalms (see
page 720) as follows :
Book I (1 - 41), seventeen times in nine Psalms.
Book II (42 - 72), thirty times in seventeen Psalms.
Book III (73 - 89), twenty times in eleven Psalms.
Book IV (90 - 150), four times in two Psalms.