In the Old Testament there are seven Hebrew words translated "trust", which itself occurs 155 times. "Trust" is the New Testament world "believe".
i. batah = to confide in, so as to be secure and without fear. This is the word rendered "trust" in 107 passages, viz. every passage except those given below.
ii. hasah = to flee for refuge to, take shelter in. This is the word rendered "trust" in thirty-seven passages, viz. Deuteronomy 32:
37. Judges 9:15. Ruth 2:12. 2Samuel 22:3,31. Psalms 2:12, 5:11, 7:1, 11:1, 16:1, 17:7, 18:2,30, 25:20, 31:1,19, 34:8,22, 36:7, 37:40, 57:1, 61:4, 64:10, 71:1, 73:28, 91:4, 118:8,9, 141:8, 144:2. Proverbs 30:5. Isaiah 14:32, 30:2,3, 57:13. Nahum 1:7. Zephaniah 3:12.iii. 'aman = to put faith in; hence, to stay or rest on. Rendered "trust" in six passages, videlicet. Judges 11:
20 Job 4:18; 12:20; 15:15,31. Micah 7:5.iv. hul = to tarry, or wait for, once: Job 35:
14.v. galal = to roll on, or devolve, once: Psalm 22: yahal = to wait on, or for, with confidence, twice: Job 13:
15. Isaiah 51:5.vii. r
ehaz = to rely on, once: Daniel 3:28.