This Is Appendix 69 From The Companion Bible.

   In the Old Testament there are seven Hebrew words translated "trust", which itself occurs 155 times. "Trust" is the New Testament world "believe".

   i. batah = to confide in, so as to be secure and without fear. This is the word rendered "trust" in 107 passages, viz. every passage except those given below.

   ii. hasah = to flee for refuge to, take shelter in. This is the word rendered "trust" in thirty-seven passages, viz. Deuteronomy 32:37. Judges 9:15. Ruth 2:12. 2Samuel 22:3,31. Psalms 2:12, 5:11, 7:1, 11:1, 16:1, 17:7, 18:2,30, 25:20, 31:1,19, 34:8,22, 36:7, 37:40, 57:1, 61:4, 64:10, 71:1, 73:28, 91:4, 118:8,9, 141:8, 144:2. Proverbs 30:5. Isaiah 14:32, 30:2,3, 57:13. Nahum 1:7. Zephaniah 3:12.

   iii. 'aman = to put faith in; hence, to stay or rest on. Rendered "trust" in six passages, videlicet. Judges 11:20  Job 4:18; 12:20; 15:15,31.  Micah 7:5.

   iv. hul = to tarry, or wait for, once:  Job 35:14.

   v. galal = to roll on, or devolve, once:  Psalm 22:8.

   vi. yahal = to wait on, or for, with confidence, twice:  Job 13:15.  Isaiah 51:5.

   vii. r ehaz = to rely on, once:   Daniel 3:28.

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