From the Editor

I wanted to take the time an introduce myself to those who have visited Heaven Dwellers over these last six years and have made HD the NUMBER ONE RANKED DISPENSATIONAL SITE IN THE WORLD!


This site has been a one man operation for the last six years and has been idle for sometime due to the files for HD being lost in a computer transfer when

upgrading an old 386 Dell. It has taken some time but the files have been recopied and the links re-established. You will see that there is a New Forum and a New Blogger.


In time with the cooperation of those that I am hoping to get material from,  I will  be offering  E-books and more libraries from more teachers giving you more perspectives. I have never believed in following any man, nor standing by one  mans legacy or foundation. Truth is something that is open to all people and for all which is why this site invites you to "Open the Book".



Time as you know is a very precious thing these days, and unlike other websites that have foundations and co-workers in the work, Heaven Dwellers still goes on single handedly.


Heaven Dwellers began six years ago when I asked another prominent Dispensational foundation why not build a website. I even offered to help, but at the time, the vision of the internet had not yet been realized. Today, that organization does have a website and I am thrilled that there have been others that have followed.


I first began my bible training with a Bible Institute where I soon found a mid acts teacher. I went to work for this man for a year or so, teaching every now and then until certain questions began to arise concerning the Acts 28 position and the hope of the inheritance for the believer. I then quit and stayed on an island for 6 months with no TV or outside influence and set out to determine what was true by God's Word. In that time of night and day study I became convinced that what I was seeing was true. I then called a prominent Acts 28 teacher and asked him if I was on the right road. At the time I had never heard of Charles Welch, Oscar baker or E.W. Bullinger, but this man was a great teacher of the acts 28 position. It then occurred to me during our short conversation that I could prove it to myself once and for all by simply looking up the word  "Written"  in a concordance. If Paul really did teach something new, then there was no way for him to go to the old Testament as he did during the Acts epistles. Needless to say, this is so, and is the reason I wrote the study in the link.


Over time, the authors on this website have been studied and presented here for your own personal study. I try to present things that have helped me, and will be adding more material now that the files are back together. If I could, I would spend all my time on this site but I do have to make a living. Heaven Dwellers has never requested money nor placed ads on the site for your convenience. If

however you wish to support heaven Dwellers, you are more then welcome to. I will say that in the six years that Heaven Dwellers has been on the internet, not one penny has ever been requested or donated. I personally take care of all the costs in maintaining and operating the website. This is why certain "visions" or "ideas" if you will, have gone unfulfilled. Lack of time or money has been the

issue. So please accept my apologies for not fulfilling the expectations that I have set even or myself. There is still so much more I want to offer here on this website.


Thanks again for your support and below you will see the top ten rankings by Alexa.

Yours in Christ,

 Darren Owen

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8. Mid Acts Bible Foundation
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