Charles Welch Audio Studies
Genesis 63-74 in MP3
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2 Peter 3-‘then-now-to come -spans the ages not
eternity. PLEROMA- ‘fulness’.Goal of God =fulness.
40 Min. |
4.4 MB |
Chart - begins and ends with God. Beginning, God
was all; ending, God All in All. In all things He has
pre-eminence.Christ only, has the ‘fulness’ Col 1:19 |
50Min. |
5.9 MB |
Job 38-‘Where wast thou?’ Whole plan of Ages.
Chart - gaps. God fills vessel, however weak.
Emphasis on Redemption above all other subjects. |
48 Min. |
5.7 MB |
Isa. 40 when enemy moves, God moves. Work of 2nd
day, firmament, expansion, tent, curtain, will pass
49 Min. |
5.7MB |
Heb. 1 & 2 (Psa. 8) — 1st & 2nd Adam related to
angels- a little lower, Christ now higher. Purpose of Ages like
chessboard-God moves, enemy moves, |
50 Min. |
5.9 MB |
2 Cor. 12 & 13. Close study of Psa. 8. What is
man? clue to whole purpose.1st move: put man in garden,
replenish (fill) the earth (flulness).Satan not underrated |
51 Min. |
5.8 MB |
Consider place of Adam, Gen. 1 & 2. Creation of
man not haphazard-‘purpose’- ‘Let us make’.Adam given dominion;
replenish the earth = ‘pleroma’; |
50 Min. |
5.3 MB |
Ezekiel 1.Mysterious agency at work (see Rev. 4
to 6). Cherubim indicate dominion lost, preserved, restored. |
53 Min. |
6.7 MB |
2 Peter 2. Sheep return (1 Pet. 2:25), sows
return (2 Pet. 2:22), Gospel not preached to bring sows to
become sheep. Devil’s seed in the earth, sons of God |
56 Min |
6.7 MB |
Gen. 13. God shewed Abraham land after Lot left
(v. 14).Terah took Abram, to go, BUT ... (11:31).
Evil one’s move.God spared not-Satan checkmated. |
52 Min. |
6.2 MB |
Psalms 32 and 51. Key word -I acknowledge. One
theme through whole Bible, redeeming love. Lamb of God prepared
before Adam fell. |
48 Min |
5.9 MB |
Ephesians 4. Ascension of Christ, (v.10),
necessary for PLEROMA. Pedigrees, many, why? (3:15). Stage
planned- coming of Christ in ‘fulness of time’. |
50 Min. |
6.2 MB |