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Tom L. Ballinger

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Theme of The Bible  The Kingdom of God


The Times of Refreshing


S. Van Mierlo


Summary of the Divine Plan 


The Message of the Kingdom


Three Spheres


   Also -

Otis Q. Sellers


Fifty Questions Answered on Death


The Rich Man and Lazarus


The Study of Human Destiny


God Has Spoken




























The Doctrine of the Immortal Soul












Heavenly Places

by Charles H. Welch PDF


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King James Bible



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The Works of Flavius Josephus

Bible Truth on:

The Goal of GodKlik hier voor grotere afbeelding


Gods Eternal Purpose


Summary of The Divine Plan


The One Great Subject of

 The Word


Who is your Apostle?


The Abrahamic Covenant  


Present Truth


Dispensational Expositions

Tested Truth


The Dispensational Frontier of Acts 28:23-31



What is Your Hope


Time and Eternity


Death, Soul and Hell

Do YOU have an Immortal Soul?

The Rich Man and Lazarus

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The Resurrection

of the body

Scriptures Concerning Death, Resurrection, Eternal Life



The Grave

   The Origin and History of Hell  



The Prize

The Gift, Hope and the Prize

The Fullness

Three Spheres of Blessing

The Bride and The Body






Structures or Parallel Lines


Children vs. Sons

Earthly Things




Preaching of

 The Cross

Gementria in Christ's Geneaolgy

Theomatics-What is it?

Example One

Example Two

Example Three


"Dark Musty Chambers" A Poem 

Destiny Of Man

"There is but one thing in the world really worth pursuing - the knowledge of God."

Robert H. Benson 




1897- 1963

"Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God..."

The knowledge of The Holy


The Pursuit of God


Great Cloud Of Witnesses By E.W. Bullinger

Witness of The Stars E.W. Bullinger

"How To Enjoy Your Bible" E.W. Bullinger      

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The Coming Prince Sir Robert Anderson 

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War On The Saints Jesse Penn Lewis

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The Pursuit of God



Do You Believe?

Welcome to the Heaven Dweller's Home Page, a source of information for whom Christ in His capacity as Head over all things both in heaven and in earth,  is building a Holy Temple to be seated in Heavenly Places, far above all heavens, principalities, powers, mights and dominions, to the praise and the glory of His grace. Amen and Amen


    Here you will find a place to search for the absolute truth of God's word, His bible, through Right Division.  As a commandment given to us by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to Try Things That Differ, (Phil. 1:10) we turn to  The Apostle Paul as the minister and teacher of the Gentiles  for our Doctrine and Walk for today (Rom. 11:13, Rom. 15:16, 1 Tim. 2:7.) We further seek to shed light on the glorious Gospel Of Christ and enlighten the eyes of all those who have not yet seen The Mystery of His Kingdom and Hope Of  His Calling in Glory , Far Above All HeavensThe Fullness of Him who filleth all in all. Please join us, but leave behind any baggage, church doctrine, traditions,  theories, seculars proofs,  philosophy, revelation, and other so-called 'inspired writing'.

Just bring an open mind, and a bible along and we can join together and 



The way of discovery still lies open before us, and it is the object of this work to enter on that way, and study the Bible from within and not merely from without. Our purpose is to follow the one great requirement of the Word of God, which is grounded on the fact that it is "the Word of Truth," and that His Word must be "rightly divided" in order for us to find its truth and to attain The Prize.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15

As has been said, "It shall greatly help to understand scripture if thou mark, not only what is spoken or written, but of whom, to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, and with what circumstances, considering what goes before and what follows."

This key of rightly dividing will keep us from falling into the common belief that every part of the bible is to be interpreted directly as referring to the Church which is His body; or as pertaining to every person at every stage in history. While the Word of God is written FOR all persons, and FOR all time, yet, it is true that not every part of it is addressed TO all persons or ABOUT all persons IN all time. If a passage speaks of the "kingdom of heaven," or "Israel," or "Jerusalem," we must not interpret it as the "church which is His body."
It is the intent and purpose of this site to focus and place emphasis on the distinct and separate callings, spheres, and dispensations that run throughout the Word of God, namely;

1.  The Earth - Two dimensional inheritance with "Terrestrial" bodies in resurrection. 

2. The New Jerusalem - Three dimensional inheritance with "Celestial" bodies in resurrection. In the case of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and those who follow in their steps, the heavenly Jerusalem is seen to be in the nature of a reward, consequent upon their overcoming faith, associated with ‘the better hope’ and ‘the better resurrection’, but it must be remembered that what may be the ‘prize’ of one calling, may be the unconditional ‘hope’ of another, and in order to appreciate this, see HOPE and The Prize.

3. Far Above All Heavens - The fourth dimension with bodies fashioned like unto His glorious body. SEE CHART

It is within each of these callings and spheres that a dispensation, or a particular economy of administration of God's dealings with any particular people, having its own peculiar and distinctive characteristics takes center stage. For example, there was a dispensation of Law under Moses; a dispensation of miraculous gifts during Pentecost. (See also A Study in Pentecost) Today we are in a dispensation of grace, and of The Mystery (Eph. 3). The right division of truth with regard to the various dispensations is called "Dispensational Truth." 

Many objectors to the teaching of dispensational truth fail to recognize and distinguish between that which is fundamental to all callings and that which is particular to each calling. "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God" is true of all, under whatever dispensation they may be ranged. The Saviour's one sacrifice for sin is the peculiar provision and peculiar necessity of no one calling or dispensation. Faith in the authority and trustworthiness of all Scripture is basic and independent of all distinctions, and the Person of Christ, His work and His grace is central and fundamental to every phase and subdivision of the purpose of the ages, whether focused upon the Jew, Gentile or Church of God, Earth, Heavenly city or Far above all. 

Within these pages will be found an argument for the present dispensation beginning after Acts 28, when Israel was set aside and became Lo Ammi, or "Not my people."  Today, this truth is still not accepted and has regretfully caused an untold number of believers to miss the dispensation of the Mystery and all its glorious blessings and the BLESSED HOPE . The majority of Christendom still teaches that the CHURCH began at Pentecost. While a church did begin at Pentecost, it is also true that this church differed in many respects from every preceding church, or assembly, but "THE CHURCH WHICH IS HIS BODY" is entirely different from this and all else. Peter's sermon in Acts 2 is largely an exposition of the prophet Joel, and there is certainly nothing about THE BODY OF CHRIST in Joel. The book of Acts is a continuation of the witness concerning THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN . It is when we study the epistles of Paul written AFTER Acts 28, or what are called THE PRISON EPISTLES, that we see for the first time a HOPE and a CALLING that is in sphere and locality FAR ABOVE ALL HEAVENS .  (See-  Paul's 14 Epistles Chart and Acts and God's Change in Callings

 We invite you to search and see for yourself the wonderful truths of the word of God when Rightly divided and pray with Paul that.

"The eyes of your understanding may be enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of HIS calling, and what the riches of the glory of HIS inheritance in the saints,"
"And what is the exceeding greatness of HIS power to usward who believe, according to the working of HIS mighty power,"
"Which HE wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set HIM at HIS own right hand in THE HEAVENLY PLACES."
"Far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come;"
"And hath put all things under HIS feet, and gave HIM to be THE HEAD over all things to the church,"
Which is HIS body,
THE FULLNESS that filleth all in all. (EPH 1:18-23)

WORD STUDIES  Click here



The Nature and The Destiny of Man By Brian Sherring

 [Part 1]  [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]



Three features are repeated in each sphere :
) A FIRSTBORN'S POSITION--Israel among nations (Exodus 4:22). The Seed of Abraham in the heavenly city (Heb. 12:23), and the Church of the Mystery as one with Christ (Col. 1:18 and Eph. 4: I3).
(2) A CITIZENSHIP.-Psa. LXXXVII. is given as a specimen of the privilege of the earthly citizenship of Zion. Rev. 21:2 speaks of the citizenship of the second sphere, and Eph. 2:19 and Phil 3:20 speak of the citizenship of the third sphere.
 In connection with this third sphere, Eph. 2:12 reminds us that those who are blessed in

 this highest of spheres have no part in the commonwealth (citizenship) of Israel. -
(3) An EXALTED POSITION.-In each sphere, the one to whom pertains the adoption has other companies subservient to it.
In the case of the nation of Israel, it is the Gentile nations who are to serve them and go up to Jerusalem year by year. In the case of the heavenly calling it is angels that are subordinate, while in the third sphere angels are not mentioned. Nothing less than principalities and powers are ranged beneath the church which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.



 To say that God or an angel is on earth is not to say that we see Him. As long as a being from a higher sphere does not react on the lower sphere, the organs of that lower sphere cannot register anything; even many physical actions can escape notice by our sensory organs. We do not feel electromagnetic waves (radio, ultraviolet, X rays, etc) even when they run through our body. In order to make an impression there must be a reaction from one sphere to another. To become visible, it is necessary that the angel "manifests" himself. In general, we see that beings  from lower spheres can acquire knowledge of the higher spheres in only two ways: either a being from the higher sphere communicates with the lower sphere, and when God is concerned, there as revelation or, a being from the lower sphere is brought up by a special action into the higher sphere, and there vision in the spirit.  [MORE]



  When we have finished our study, we shall find ourselves able to believe and to explain these words. Hence we feel it is incumbent upon the objectors to explain: What do the following inspired expressions found in the Original mean?

The end of the eon (Matt.24:3)
The ends of the eons (1 Cor.10:11)
The end of the eons (Heb.9:26)
The eon of the eons (Eph.3:21)
The eons of the eons (Rev.11:15)

     The renderings "forever" and "forever and ever" do not illuminate the meaning of these words. Instead, they obfuscate and becloud the inspired meaning of the terms. Scholars of Hebrew and Greek should know that there is no word in these languages to correspond to our word "eternal." The terms "for ever," "eternal," etc., are commonly used among us to mean "absolutely unending." [MORE]



 The gospel of the circumcision is also that of the Kingdom; it is mentioned three times: Mat.4:23; 9:35; 24:14. We have seen in The Divine Plan that this gospel announced to Israel that the Kingdom on earth, the subject of so many prophecies, was near, all that was required was the repentance of this rebellious people. After John the Baptist, the King Himself had come to proclaim this Good News: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18,19). [MORE]



 We believe that it will be helpful to first present a summary of our work, "The Divine Plan;" which provides an overall view of the ages and the role of the people of Israel.

   The Word of God accepted simply, as it is given to us, forms a unity without contradictions and makes known to us the Divine Plan.

   Before any creation, God is. It is through the Image of God, also called "Son of God," that everything was created. The Son of God is Mediator in all things: creation, redemption, perfection. 

   The creature is good but not perfect (since it is not God). God wants to bring it freely to perfection. The creature is thus free and can make good or bad use of its freedom depending on whether it observes or ignores the will of God. 

    Creation comprises five ages (or eons). The living conditions and the laws differ completely from one eon to the other, but some correlation exists between the first and the fifth, and between the second and the fourth. 

   First eon

     God, through His Son, freely creates free beings, thereby showing His perfection. Some beings draw away from God, thus falling into sin, and some even rise against Him. Satan (the Adversary), a cherub fallen through pride, plays the principal role in this senseless revolt. But God wills that the creature attain its destiny.




NEXT to the Old Testament Hebrew word SHEOL, this New Testament Greek word, HADES, is one of the most important.

    Our present object and desire is to discover the way in which the Holy Spirit uses it  and to find out the sense in which He intends us to understand it. Apart from this, all our study of the word is useless.

   It matters not what men may say, whether Pagan or Christian. Heathen Mythology, Human Tradition, and Christian Theology have no place in this study. They will lead us astray instead of guiding us : they will hinder us rather than help us. 

   The Old Testament has one advantage over the New. Its Hebrew words are the words of the Holy Spirit  and all knowledge of Hebrew starts with the Hebrew Bible. It is the fountain head of that language; and  there is no previous Hebrew literature behind it. 

   But when we come to the New Testament, the case is entirely different. Here, the Holy Spirit takes up human words which had been used among the Greeks for centuries, and had already acquired senses, and meanings, and usages; human in their development as they were human in their origin. [MORE]




Few words call for more careful study than this; because few words are more obscured in translation, or are more important in their teaching.
    Moreover, it is peculiarly a word of Divine origin : a word coined, so to speak, by the Holy Spirit Himself. It can therefore be understood only by our observing the way in which He has used it; learning there from the meaning He has thus given it.
    It is different with the Greek word Hades, which is used in the New Testament to represent the Old Testament word Sheol. Hades is a Greek word. It belongs to Greek mythology, and comes to us surrounded with heathen traditions. These are all discarded, and set for ever aside, the moment the Holy Spirit takes it up and uses it as the substitute and equivalent for the Hebrew word Sheol. The Holy Spirit has, in doing this, "purified" it (in accordance with Ps. 12: 6). Whatever Sheol means in the 01d Testament, that .Hades means in the New Testament. In Greek works, of course, it still bears the meaning the Greeks put upon it; but that meaning has no place in Scripture.
    It matters not, therefore, what Heathen Mythology may have imagined; or what Tradition has handed down; what man may say; or what we may think. There is only 1 one question : and that is a matter of supreme importance -What does God say about it; and How does the Holy Spirit use it in the Word of God? [MORE]




The following two positions will be admitted without question, it is believed, by all Christians.

   1st. If the doctrine of endless punishment be, as affirmed by its believers, absolutely and indispensably necessary to the preservation of virtue, and to perfect obedience to the laws of God; if this be the salutary and saving influence of the doctrine, then it constitutes one of the strongest possible reasons for its being revealed to man at the very earliest period of the world's history.

    2d. If endless punishment be true, it is terribly true to all those who are in danger, - wherein is found another powerful reason why it should have been made known in the clearest manner, on the very morning of creation! In the clearest manner: it should not have been left in doubt, and obscurity, by the use of indefinite terms; but it should have been proclaimed in language which no man could misunderstand, if he would. Rather than that there should even be the possibility of a mistake in a matter of such vast and fearful moment, it should have been graven by special miracle into every soul that God sent into the world.

    Let us, then, proceed to inquire if we have any such revelation of the doctrine. When God created Adam and Eve, and placed them in the garden of Eden, did He announce to them any law for their observance, having attached to it the penalty in question? Surely justice demanded, if He had forced them into being subject to this awful peril, that He should set out before them both the law and its punishment in the most specific manner. Did He do this? Where is the record of it? Read diligently the first and second chapters of Genesis, and see if anything of this sort is recorded there, in connection with the creation of man. [MORE]




HELL. A word used in the King James Version (as well as in the Catholic Douay Version and most older translations) to translate the Hebrew sheol and the Greek hades. In the King James Version the word "hell" is rendered from sheol' 31 times and from hades 10 times. This version is not consistent, however, since sheol' is also translated 31 times "grave and 3 times "pit." In the Douay Version sheol' is rendered "hell" 64 times, "pit" once, and "death" once.
    In 1885, with the publication of the complete English Revised Version, the original word sheol' was in many places transliterated into the English text of the Hebrew Scriptures, though, in most occurrences, "grave" and "pit" were used, and "hell" is found some 14 times. This was a point of which the American committee disagreed with the British revisers, and so when producing the American Standard Version (1901) they transliterate sheol' in all 65 of its appearances. Both versions transliterated hades in the Christian Greek Scriptures in all ten of its occurrences, though the Greek word Gehenna (English, "Gehenna") is rendered "hell" throughout, as is true of many other modern translations. [MORE]





It is but reasonable to expect that any system of doctrine or interpretation that differs from or challenges orthodoxy, will be subjected to a fair amount of criticism, and this should be welcomed, for if our pursuit be the TRUTH, the faults discovered even by an enemy should be acknowledged and the quest continued. We believe that many whose interest has been quickened, but who have received a setback by some of the specious arguments advanced against us, would value a careful and constructive presentation of the reasons why Acts 28 should be considered a dispensational boundary. This we hope to provide in the following pages. [MORE]




 In this article when using the term "One New Man" I will be referring to the Church or Body over which Christ is the Head as described in Paul's prison epistles. According to Eph.2:15 God made or created the One New Man when He broke down' the middle wall of partition and abolished the Law after the close of the Acts period. I am firmly convinced by the Scriptures that the one New Man is not the same Church or Body that Paul describes in his Acts epistles. If they were the same, their description would be identical. But by comparing them with one another, I see that they are totally different and things that are different are not the same.

 The mistake that many people make today is assuming that whenever Paul mentions "The Body" in his Acts epistles and prison epistles, he is writing about the same Body. This is like the same mistake people make when they read the word "Church" in the Bible. They read about a church in Matthew and a church in Ephesians and they assume that they are the same church just because the word "Church" is used in both places: But even though the word "Church" is used in both places they are not the same church because their descriptions are totally different. In the same way, just because the word "Body" is used in Paul's Acts epistles and his prison epistles that doesn't mean that they are the same Body. It's my firm conviction that THEY ARE NOT THE SAME BODY, for what is said about one is not true of the other. And as far as I am concerned it is spiritual dishonesty to say they are the same, when it is so apparent that they are different. [MORE]   





The portion of Scripture which is examined and interpreted in this study is certainly not the most important passage in the Word of God. Nevertheless, it is apparent that many make Luke 16:19-31 to be the preeminent passage of all Scripture because of the great number of doctrines which they found upon it and which they establish by it.

       When a passage is appealed to again and again in support of ideas that are held or are being declared, that passage automatically becomes one of great importance. And there is no single passage in the Bible that is appealed to in support of as many beliefs as the one that is now before us for consideration. The commonly accepted and popular belief that is held by the self-styled orthodox concerning man's nature and destiny has entrenched itself within this story. From this supposedly impregnable fortress it calls upon all to drop arms and surrender if they dare to believe or teach contrary to the generally accepted views. For many centuries ideas have been read and preached into this passage so that now men are reading them back out as if they were actually there. Many preachers are no longer able to distinguish between their sermons on the rich man and Lazarus and the record written in the Word of God, even though they are poles apart. [MORE]


If it is to be truly profitable, all true ministry must be "a word in season", and it is not possible nor expedient to at1 to teach all the truth, or witness to every doctrine, time.
    The fact that within a week we have received more inquiry concerning the teaching of Scripture regarding deatht as a sleep, leads us to see that it would be a word in seas devote some of our limited space to a consideration a1 subject. In the first place let us turn to John 11:14, "Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead" (Lazaros apethanen).  Greek verb here translated "is dead" is from apothnesko. John 11:21 and 41 well show, the word thnesko means "to "The addition of the prefix apo intensifies the cone representing the actions of the simple verb as consummates finished, to die out, to expire, to become quite dead" (Dr. E.W. Bullinger's Lexicon). In John 8:52 we read: "Abraham is dead." (Abraham apethanen). Here, therefore,

is fact one. Lazarus was literally and completely dead as was Abraham. [More]



  THE PRIZE   By Charles Welch
The Greek word translated "prize" is brabeion, and occurs in two passages.
1 Cor. 9:24  Run all, but one receiveth the prize.
Phil. 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize. (According to a mark, I press toward the prize, literally.)
    The word prize is derived from brabeus, the judge at a public game who assigns the prize. Brabeuo, to preside  at the games, occurs in Colossians 3:15 where it is translated "rule" and katabrabeuo also found in Colossians

(2:18), means "to defraud or deprive of a prize, to so manage affairs that the umpire shall pronounce against the contestant". In Colossians the thought is not so much that of being cheated of the reward, but of failing to attain unto the required standard. The atmosphere of 1 Corinthians 9:24 and of Philippians 3:14 is that of the arena, and the race course. In the article entitled the CROWN, we have shown that "prize" and "crown" are related, as genus and species.
   Philippians 3:10-14 reveals a series of steps toward the goal in view. [More]




  Eph. 4:3             

      WHAT IS IT?

It is of the utmost importance in studying any portion of scripture to carefully consider the context - not only of surrounding verses, but chapters, and even books.

  This is especially the case with the verse under consideration. It has already been pointed out in these columns that the quotation of Isaiah 6 to by the Apostle Paul, in Acts 28, marked an epoch, closing the door of the kingdom for the time being, and opening the present " dispensation of the grace of God " to the Gentiles of which Paul was made the apostle, minister and steward.

The Epistle that contains our title was the FIRST WRITTEN MESSAGE OF GOD in this now present dispensation.


 All other Scripture that had ever been written had been written in connection with Israel. This Epistle opens up the " Mystery hidden away from the ages," the One Body, the One New Man-the subject of our enquiry. The majority of our readers are aware that the words " at Ephesus "are not a part of the inspired Scripture-probably a space was left, so that the name could be filled in as the Epistle went on its way. The CHURCH, not the CHURCHES, is the addressee of this wondrous letter, THE Church, not A Church being the theme; a unity, with a risen Lord, in the Heavenlies ; and not primarily the unity of a local assembly, however desirable that might be. [MORE]

By Charles Welch   

Dispensational Expositions

Dispensational Expositions.  2

Dispensational Expositions.  3.



Where we read of "hope" in the New Testament we often find in the context a reference either to a "PROMISE" or to a "CALLING". For example, Paul before Agrippa says:

             "And now I stand and am judged for THE HOPE OF THE PROMISE made of God unto our fathers; unto which promise OUR TWELVE TRIBES, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come.” (Acts 26:6,7)

 Here there is no possibility of making a mistake. Not only is the hope that is in view the fulfilment of a promise, but it is the fulfilment of a specific promise "made of God unto our fathers". Further, there is no ambiguity as to those who entertain this hope; the words "our twelve tribes" are too explicit to permit of spiritualizing. Other examples will occur to the reader, and will come before us in the prosecution of our present study. For the moment it is sufficient that the principle should be clear, that HOPE LOOKS TO THE FULFILMENT OF A PROMISE. It is therefore necessary to discover what promise has been made to any particular company before we can speak with understanding of their HOPE.  Another prerequisite is a knowledge of the "CALLING" concerned. [MORE]    By Charles Welch



 It is not easy for the mind to dwell upon this term, without it being influenced by the word "destiny".

 Destiny calls up the idea of fate, inexorable and unalterable, and so, we have this statement in the

 Westminster Confession:

"That the number of the predestinated to life, and of those foreordained to death, is so certain and definite, that it cannot be either increased or diminished".

It is difficult to see how any one holding such a doctrine,, could ever preach the gospel of salvation, could ever contemplate the "plucking" of even "one brand from the burning" or why anyone should bother to preach at all. The overshadowing of the word "destiny" is plainly marked in this Confession,and many of the advocates of Calvinism are Necessitarians. In a letter to Archbishop Cranmer, the reformer, Melancthon complained:

"At the commencement of our Reformation, the Stoical disputations among our people concerning

 FATE were too horrible". [MORE]




The Dispensational Position before Acts 28
    We have endeavoured to show that the setting aside of Israel as a nation completely altered the dispensational dealings of the Lord (see under Acts 28). We will now seek to show that prior to the revelation of the mystery hid in God the blessing upon the Gentiles as well as the Jews was Abrahamic and Millennial in character, and that Gentile believers were blessed through Israel or not at all.
    The epistle to the Romans, while containing doctrine as true to-day as when first written, contains also dispensational teaching which has passed away with the Pentecostal period.
    The following list will give some idea as to the prominent position which the Jew occupied before Acts 28, as compared with the epistles written afterwards:  [More]



Lest those, who having read this study may feel that they have been robbed of so much that is precious

in the Word - so much from which they derive comfort and help, we would like to make it clear that

while the various books and parts of the Scriptures are definitely ADDRESSED TO different companies

of people at different times we MUST distinguish between; the interpretation and application of the Word.
   Interpretation deals first with those to whom the passage of Scripture is addressed. When this has been

settled we can then apply the passage to ourselves if this is consistent with truth revealed in this present

age of grace, this is a legitimate application of Scripture.
    A great deal of confusion and error has resulted among the people of God by spiritualizing. This method

of reading the Scriptures ignores the primary interpretation and the literal meaning of a passage or portion

of the Word and reads into it so-called spiritual ideas which may be nothing more than the personal opinion

of the reader and which may be utterly at variance with other parts of the Bible.
    There are truths in the Word of God which are BASIC to all the companies with their respective callings

and hopes -Salvation, Redemption, Justification etc., and there are countless passages and portions of

Scripture that are unspeakably precious, from which lessons can be learned and applied to our own hearts

and lives. [More]



There is one thing that the Christian needs more than he needs any other thing. One thing on which all others rest; and on which all others turn.
It is certain from the Word of God, and also from our own experience, that "we know not what we should pray for as we ought". But "the Spirit Himself helpeth our infirmities" (Romans 8:26). He knoweth what we should pray for. He knoweth what we need. He maketh intercession for us and in us. He teacheth us how to pray, and in Ephesians 1:17, we have His prayer set forth in these words: "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. [More]


 The careful reader of Scripture can hardly fail to have seen the tremendous influence which the people of Israel have had during their history upon the dealings of God with surrounding nations. The histories of Egypt, Assyria, Moab, of Rahab the harlot, of Ruth, etc., etc., are recorded just so far as they touch this wonderful nation. The Lord blesses or judges particularly with reference to their attitude towards His people. He even "set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the children of Israel" (Duet. 32:8). If we might put it tersely, we should say the history is recorded so long as Israel are recognized as a nation, but mystery obtains when Israel become "Lo-Ammi-not My people:" [More]


 Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph.D

Few teachings have troubled the human conscience over the centuries more then the traditional view of hell as the place where the lost suffer conscience punishment in body and soul for all eternity. The prospect that one day a vast number of people will be consigned to the everlasting torment of hell is most disturbing and distressing to sensitive Christians. After all, almost everyone has  friends or family members who have died without making a commitment to Christ. The prospect of one day seeing them agonizing  in hell for all eternity can easily lead thinking Christians to say to God, :No thank you God, I am not interested in Your kind of Paradise!" [More]


The belief of conscious life after death is one of the greatest deceptions of our times. The vast majority of people have come to believe Satan's lie that no matter what they do "shall not die" Gen. 3:4) but become like gods living forever. This lie has fostered a host of heresies such as spiritualism, communication with the spirits of the dead, praying for the dead, the intercession of the saints, purgatory, eternal hell fire, the worship of Mary, indulgences, etc. [More]


The experience of the child of God is described in Galatians 5:17-"...the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would." Every child of God always has an abiding experience of conflict within, as described above; but not every child of God understands the doctrine concerning it. Dr. Bullinger helps us to understand this doctrine. [More]


As we survey the evangelical world, we find a multitude of conceptions existing among believers. Some talk of "prayer warfare". Are we justified in regarding prayer as an offensive weapon? The answer to these and all other spiritual problems is only found within the range of inspired Scripture. Ephesians six is the passage generally alluded to in connection with this idea. Here we have a description of the "whole armour (panoply) of God" which is for the believer with a view to the "evil day" (Eph. 6:13). A careful reading will show that this armour is sixfold, five pieces being for the defensive, and only one offensive weapon and that is not prayer, but the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit. [More]

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The Pursuit of God



1897- 1963

"Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God..."

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Charles H. Welch

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Oscar M. Baker

(1898 to 1987)

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The Universal Sovereign - Death


Absent From the Body, Present With The LORD


God the Father


God the Son



God's First Purpose (1)


God's First Purpose (2)


God's First Purpose (3)


He Hath Chosen Us






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Otis Q. Sellers


Seed of Bread

Library of Articles


Fifty Questions Answered on Death


The Rich Man and Lazarus


The Study of Human Destiny


God Has Spoken


What Does Aion Mean