Otis Q. Sellers


Library of Articles from

1. You need a savior

2. The lord jesus is jehovah

3. The father and the son savior

4. Interpretations of philippians 1:6

5. What does apostello mean?

6. Biblical gift of tongues

7. The acts dispensation

8. What does soterion mean?

9. Truths concerning acts

10. From cana to calvary

11. The importance of acts 28:28

12. This generation shall not pass

13. The divine commissions

14. What are the 'last days'

15. What the world needs now

16. The character of the last days

17. The one mediator

18. Jesus only

19. The charismatic dispensation

20. The jigsaw puzzle of prophecy

21. God our savior

22. Let us go also

23. New testament time periods

24. What does parousia mean?

25. The parousia of the lord jesus

26. The divine purpose

27. The kingdom of god

28. The kingdom - why two names?

29. "kingdom" means "government"

30. Kingdom truth

31. The kingdom: present or future?

32. Kingdom blunders

33. The word "judgment"

34. The word "heaven"

35. The kingdom in reality

36. The kingdom judgment

37. What does epiphaneia mean?

38. A neglected prophecy

39. The great tribulation

40. The great testing

41. God's next move

42. The inherited lie

43. Who crucified jesus

44. Israel in the acts period

45. The theological conspiracy

46. The jews in john's gospel

47. Questions and objections

48. Mark 4:26-29 - the most important parable

49. A psalm of divine government

50. The powers that be

51. Biblical concept of god

52. Tongues are languages

53. A psalm for today

54. The four great days

55. The kingdom titles

56. Dispensational truth

57. The dispensation of grace

58. Ephesians chapter one

59. Ephesians chapter two

60. Ephesians chapter three

61. Ephesians chapter four

62. Ephesians chapter five

63. Ephesians chapter six

64. God's present purpose

65. Christian individualism

66. When he shall come

67. A foretaste of the kingdom

68. The christian fakers

69. The love of the truth

70. God's earth

71. Earth's glorious future

72. The salvation of the world

73. Inheriting the earth

74. The believer's destiny

75. The earth - our future home

76. What is man?

77. What is the soul?

78. The breath of life

79. What is "death"?

80. Concerning resurrection

81. Interpretation of matthew 10:28

82. What does sheol mean?

83. If a man die

84. Is it gain to die?

85. Paul's desire to depart

86. The signs of the times

87. What does kaleo mean?

88. What does spiritual mean?

89. Spiriual: a word study

90. The truth god calls secret

91. The mission of elijah

92. The seven mellenium theory

93. Concerning "born again"

94. Generation from above

95. Lessons from nicodemus

96. God's presentation of christ

97. What does ekklesia mean?

98. What does ta panta mean?








99. Positive biblical theology

100. The glory of believing

101. God must intervene

102. Who is the "word" in john 1:1 - 14

103. Divine election

104. The dying malefactor

105. What is faith?

106. What about repentance?

107. What does metanoeo mean?

108. metanoeo - problem passages

109. Faith exemplified

110. The lord's day in rev. 1:10

111. Before the day of the lord

112. The centurion of capernaum

113. The kingdom restraints

114. The kingdom rebellion

115. Ekklesia men

116. I will build of me

117. The greek alphabet

118. Head: a word study

119. Body: a word study

120. Ekklesia truth

121. The "not beeing" but "as being" principle

122. The kai explicative principle

123. Call his name jesus

124. At such a time

125. The divine interchange principle

126. The problem of aion

127. olam and aion

128. What does aion mean?

129. The order of events

130. Does god know?

131. The truth of matthew 10:1 -14

132. Concerning immortality

133. The "parousia" in matthew 24

134. Concerning baptism

135. What does baptizo mean?

136. Baptism means identification

137. The baptism of john

138. Identification with the holy spirit

139. Identification with jesus christ

140. Religionless christianity

141. More about ekklesia

142. The day of the eon

143. Baptism in matthew

144. Baptism in mark and luke

145. Baptism in john and acts

146. Baptism in the epistles

147. Members of his body

148. How then shall they hear

149. Apostolic expectation

150. The kingdom within men

151. Six, sixty, six

152. Concerning prayer

153. Cornelius - the centurion

154. Israel's prophesized return

155. Ezekial's amazing prophecy

156. King david's glorious future

157. The nations - now joint bodies

158. Those turning from the church

159. The deity of jesus christ

160. Concerning predestination

161. The antichrist

162. The mark of the beast

163. The divine arrangement

164. Fearing god and working righteousness

165. God's law to israel

166. The ten commandments

167. The terms of the covenant

168. Misconceptions concerning the law

169. The broken covenant

170. We establish the law

171. Abraham's seed today

172. How can a man be god?

173. What does monogenes mean?

174. The savior of the world

175. More about the world

176. The complex of the deity

177. Rightly dividing romans

178. Rightly interpreting romans

179. The gospel of john

180. A study in dispensational truth

181. The confirmation of the gospel

182. Future punishment

183. What does "torment" mean

184. What does "gehanna" mean

185. More about gehenna

186. What does "destruction" mean

187. The rights of god

188. What does ginomai mean

189. Universalism disavowed

190. First born of every creation

191. Examination of acts 3:19 - 21

192. Puzzling parousia passages

193. The consumation of the eon

194. The kingdom is coming

195. Universalism explained

196. The days of god upon the earth

197. God's judgements

198. You gotta have a ceremony

199. Things to come