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The Scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:8 is often misquoted and misunderstood. Many like to use this as
if it's proof that we are immediately in the presence of the Lord upon dying. Satan wants us to
believe that we don't really die. (Gen.3:4) This is in direct conflict with what the scriptures 
teach about death and what God said, "thou shalt surely die." Whom do you believe?

There are many scriptures which speak of a "raising" out of sleep, and a "putting on" of immortality,
which Christ gives to us at that day (2Tim.4:8). The passage in Corinthians has to do with the saints
whose hope was to dwell with Christ at his Kingdom on earth. It is obvious that this resurrection is 
postponed, because the King did not return to set up His kingdom, due to Israel's blindness and lack 
of repentance. See Acts 3:19,20 and Acts 28:25-28.

Scriptures teach that flesh and blood could not inherit the Kingdom of God (1Cor.15:50) and Paul knew
this. Therefore, Paul had a desire to escape this "naked state" spoken of in verse 2Cor. 5:3. He did
not want to feel the sting of death that so many other saints before him felt. He groaned to be 
clothed with the glorious body he so longed for, so that he could be present with Christ. He knew that,
while he was in that mortal body, he could not be present with Him at His Kingdom. (v.2) He expected 
Christ to return at any moment to give immortality to those saints whose hope was the Kingdom on earth.

The subject of 2 Cor.5:1-8 is not about dying and immediately being in the presence of the Lord. It is
about a desire to be clothed with the spiritual body at Christ's coming. If you read the verses pre-
ceding v.8, you will see the subject concerns resurrection and a longing not to suffer the naked state,
but to be clothed in the glorious resurrection body at His coming, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor. 
15:52). It has nothing to do with the Satan-generated lie of the "immortal soul." It has to do with 
resurrection and a desire to escape the naked state (death) at His coming.

Paul knew, that while he was in his mortal body, he would not be present with the Lord. 2Cor 5:6 - 
"Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent 
from the Lord." It is obvious that he'd rather be absent from that mortal body and present with the
Lord. Paul, who was flesh and blood at that time, knew that could only happen in resurrection, when 
that mortal MUST put on immortality and when the corruptible MUST put on incorruptible. (1Cor.15:53,54)
It is only Christ, dwelling in the light (heaven), who has immortality (1Tim.6:16). The saints, whose 
hope was the Kingdom on earth, will one day realize their hope in resurrected bodies from the grave 
(Hosea 13:14). " I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O
death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction..." (see also, 1Cor 15:55). “O death,
where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

SEARCH AND SEE Study concerning 2 Cor. 5:1-8

1. He groaned in his tabernacle (mortal body), which is described as his earthly house. (vs.1)

2. What did he groan about? Paul groaned (desired exceedingly) to be clothed with his resurrection body.

3. He did not desire to be found naked (dead) (vs.3) - see also Job 1:21,26:6 - but wanted to experience
his change in the twinkling of an eye (See also: 1Thess. 4:15-17).

4. He groaned to be clothed with his immortal body, so that he would not see death (be naked), that
mortality might be swallowed up of life (vs.3,4, See also 1 Cor.15: 53,54).

5. His Spirit is given to the believer, and thereby sealed until the day of redemption (vs. 5, See 
also 2Cor. 1:22, and Ephesians 1:14).

6. He knows assuredly that while he is at home in his mortal body, he is absent from the Lord (vs. 6). 
But when the Lord returns, he will put on immortality and thereby be ever present with the Lord. 
(1Thess.4:17) Paul could surely have declared "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy
victory", if the Kingdom had not been postponed. Paul's desire in this passage was to not taste the
sting of death at that time. But after the Kingdom was postponed at Acts 28:28, Paul was resigned to
death and resurrection. He looked for His appearing "in that day" (2 Tim 4:6-8).

7. They walk by faith, knowing that they will be clothed. (vs.7)

8. Paul was willing to be clothed with his immortal body and be present with the Lord. This is like
saying, I'm ready and willing to be present with the Lord in my immortal body, and be absent from 
this mortal body thereby not experiencing the sting of death (vs.8, see also 1Cor.15:55).

9. He knows that while he is at home in that mortal body, he is not present with the Lord. (vs.6,8) 
No one could enter the kingdom that was not clothed with their immortal body because "flesh and blood
cannot inherit the kingdom of God". (1Cor.15:50)

In conclusion, do these passages have to do with resurrection? Or, do they have to do with dying
immediately and floating up to heaven as some platonic "immortal soul"?