THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS The Structure o f the epistle as a whole (Introversion.) A 1:1, 2. EPISTOLARY. a 1:1. PAUL'S COMMISSION. b 1:2. SALUTATION. Grace and Peace. B 1:3-2:7. c 1:3-14. ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS. d 1:15-19. PAUL'S PRAYER. That He may give. That you may know. The hope, riches, power of the Mystery. e 1:19-2:7. THE MIGHTY POWER IN WROUGHT, energeo "seated". C 2:8-10. GOSPEL. New Creation and Walk. (The shortest section of the epistle.) D 2:11-19. THE NEW MAN. Once aliens. E 2:19-22. FITLY FRAMED TOGETHER, sunar mologoumene, Apostles and Prophets, Foundation ministry. F 3:1-13. PRISONER OF CHRIST JESUS. "The same body". G 3:14-21. CENTRAL PRAYER. "All the fullness of God." F 4:1-6. PRISONER IN THE LORD. "There is one body". E 4:7-19. FITLY JOINED TOGETHER, sunar mologoumenon, Apostles,etc. And adjusting ministry D 4:20-32. THE NEW MAN. Once aliens (see verse 18). C 5:1-6:9. PRACTICE. New Creation and Walk. (The longest section of the epistle.) B 6:10-20. e 6:10-13. THE MIGHTY POWER WORKED OUT katergazomai "stand". c 6:14-18. ALL SPIRITUAL ARMOUR. d 6:19,20. PRAYER FOR PAUL. That utterance may be given. That I may make known. The mystery o f the gospel. A 6:21-24. EPISTOLARY. a 6:21,22. TYCHICUS' COMMISSION. b 6:23,24s SALUTATION.