So let us began by
first answering the question, “just what exactly is a neocon, what do they
believe and where did they come from?” Regrettably, many Americans have no
idea and equate the term with a “modern day” republican.
short, neo-conservatism seeks U.S. military and economic domination of the
They envision a
“New World Order”, a new era of “Enlightenment” by imposing what is termed
“moral clarity and purpose” of “American exceptionalism” upon the world through
forced military democratization. A war is peace doctrine, which flouts and
dismantles international laws through open-ended warfare while maintaining both
foreign and domestic rule. This messianic vision of an American global empire
smacks of a totalitarian Orwellian super state with apocalyptic consequences for
all humanity.
The book of Daniel
is given a summary review in the article entitled DANIEL (Part eight, p. 155)
and the prophecy of Daniel nine is of necessity included. This prophecy of the
Seventy Weeks, however, is of such importance, that a separate study is demanded
in an Analysis of Prophetic truth.
While Daniel nine is complete in itself, it follows chapter eight, supplying
further details, just as chapter eight supplements seven; and it will be wise to
retain what we have already seen for our present help. Daniel's increasing
concern has been regarding the prophetic future and that which concerns the
little horn and his own people. He has taught that past history foreshadows
future events, and we are therefore prepared to find that a seventy-year period
of Jerusalem's desolation and Israel's captivity has a corresponding period of
seventy-times seven associated with Israel, Jerusalem and desolation. Chapter
nine is in itself a considerable theme, but, as Daniel nine to twelve forms a
section of the book, it will perhaps be wise to exhibit the general structure of
the passage before entering into detail.