For Today offer studies by it's
founder Oscar M. Baker of the Scriptures by
applying the divinely given study principle of
"Right Division. The heart of the
ministry is still the Bibles, books, and other
study aids featured in the paper and on our
book list.
consists of material to assist the student of
God with Evangelical, Fundamental,
and Dispensational studies.
Fundamental and evangelical dispensationalists. Offers
Encouraging Bible Studies to the Christian community as a means of help and
strengthening for the worthy walk.
is a Bible Study Center that bases all
of it's teachings on Scripture
not the traditions and commandments of men. The
Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus
Christ Who declares to the Believers our
Heavenly Father so we might know Him
Who is The Truth. This site will contain Bible
Studies, Research Books and Materials,
Computer Software and Supplies