These words, "in Adam", belong properly to doctrinal rather than to dispensational truth, for dispensational truth deals with differences, but it is written that God "hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth" (Acts 17:26). Perhaps no deeper doctrine is to be found in the Scriptures than is found in Romans five, and there can be few believers who have not experienced a good deal of perplexity,
to say the least, as they meditated upon the implications resident in the revelation that "by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin". While we dare not depart from our prescribed course and attempt to deal with these weighty themes, we believe that some explanation should be attempted in these pages to throw a little light upon the reason why the great purpose of the ages should be channelled through Adam. Adam is mentioned by Paul seven times, and the following, exhibits both the references and their interrelation.
A Rom. 5:14. DEATH a Death reigned
B I Cor. 15:22,45. LIFE
Not . . . the similitude of Adam's transgression c In Adam all die . . .
d In Christ all made alive c First man . . . living soul
d Last Adam a quickening
A I Tim. 2:13,14..HEADSHIP
a Adam first
6 Adam not deceived.
We do not pretend to know all that the words "in Adam" involve, either doctrinally or dispensationally, what we propose to do is to take that calling which is nearest to our hearts, the high calling as it is revealed in Ephesians, and see if we can discover why it was necessary for that company, chosen as they were before the foundation of the world, to attain unto their calling, not immediately through Christ, but intermediately through Adam. Blessed with all spiritual blessings, they nevertheless come into existence in the realm of flesh and blood.